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The Application Processing Fee is $10.00

  1. The Board of Accountancy requests that you use either Google Chrome or Internet Explorer as your browser when completing this application. Number and date fields do not populate properly with other browsers.

  2. The Board has no provisions for refunding or crediting a paid examination fee toward a future exam upon the non-appearance of a candidate at the exam site.

  3. Respond to all questions in order to avoid delay in processing your application. Provide full disclosure to any YES answers for questions 4-11 on the personal questions page.

  4. All college transcripts must be sent from the college or university directly to the Board office at:
    West Virginia Board of Accountancy
    405 Capitol Street, Suite 908
    Charleston, WV 25301-1744

  5. Your application cannot be approved until all transcripts have been received.

Please have the following documents scanned in Adobe .pdf format and on hand for upload during the application process:

  1. 2"x 2" recent (within the past year) color passport-style photograph (head and shoulders view with plain background) (the Board will not accept driver's license photos, employee ID's , copies of passport, photos with family members, graduation photos, photos taken at parties, sporting events, etc., or photos with Aunt Jane's dining room wallpaper in the background)

  2. Completed Character Reference Page(s) (one for each reference) download

  3. DD 214 (if applicable)

  4. Proper documentation supporting any name change:
    • If name was changed due to marriage, provide a copy of the Marriage Certificate.

    • If name was changed due to divorce, provide a copy of the first page indicating Civil Action Number and the page pertaining to your name change.

  • If name was changed by court order, provide a copy of the supporting court document.
  • While you are in the application process please do not use the back button in your browser. If at any time you wish to exit the application process, please either click the "Save for Later" or "Exit" button located at the bottom of the page.

    Personal Information
    Home Address
    Business Address
    Email Address

    Please provide an email address that you would like to use as your primary source of communication with the Board. This will also be the email address that is used to login into other forms online.

    Additional Information
    The Computer Based Test (CBT) requires your mother's maiden name for security/identification purposes.
    Upload documentation of any name change due to marriage, divorce, or court order, i.e. copy of verifying document
    Click here for recommendations on uploading files.

    Page Updated: 1/18/2023 8:17:46 AM