No individual practitioner may provide attest or compilation services without having first obtained an authorization issued by the board unless the individual practitioner meets substantial equivalency practice privileges as noted below.* An applicant may provide attest services, compilation services,or both.
The board may issue an authorization to an individual practioner who makes application on board approved forms and provides the following informaton:
Out-of-state substantially equivalent individual practitioners who provide only compilation services may do so without the issuance of an auhorization so long as the practitioner:
The WVBOA Office will be closed December 22 - 25, 2023.
The West Virginia Board of Accountancy filed a Notice of Public Comment with the West Virginia Secretary of State's Office on May 10, 2023.
2022 CPE Season is upon us. Please ensure that you secure all CPE hours by December 31, 2022, and report the CPE courses online by the January 31, 2023 deadline.