Exam Candidates may review scores on their personal Gateway account through NASBA.
Questions? Contact the Board office at (304) 558-3557 or wvboa@wv.gov
Find out when you’ll get your CPA Exam score:
CPA Exam scores are released on a rolling basis throughout the year. The score release dates below show when you can expect to receive your score after sitting for a section. This helps you to better plan your testing schedule.
The AICPA typically announces the score release dates for the first half of a new year in December of the previous year and the second half by June of that year. Keep in mind, the target score release date represents when the AICPA will send the scores to NASBA.
If the AICPA receives your exam data file by*: | Your target score release date is: |
December 15, 2023 |
December 27, 2023 |
Important 2024 Administration Dates
AICPA has published the tentative 2024 CPA Exam testing schedule and score release schedule. Please note that these dates are tentative pending further review by AICPA.
It is anticipated that testing will commence on January 10, 2024, for all sections. While the core sections (AUD, FAR and REG) will first be available for scheduling through March 26, 2024, in the first quarter of 2024, the discipline sections (BAR, ISC and TCP) will be available through February 6, 2024. Scores are anticipated to only be released once per test section per quarter due to necessary standard-setting analyses and activities.
*Please note:
Exam data files received after this date will be included in the next scheduled score release.
If you take the BEC section, you might receive your score approximately one week following the target release date due to additional analysis that may be required for the written communication tasks.