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  • The program should contribute directly to the professional competence of the CPA.
  • Program content should be current.
  • The education and/or experience prerequisites for the program must be stated with specificity.
  • Materials used in the program must be developed by qualified individuals for use with specified teaching methods.
  • Programs must be reviewed by persons other than the preparer to ensure compliance with CPE standards.
  • Programs must meet the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs issued jointly by AICPA and NASBA.

Participants must document their CPE credit. Examples of acceptable evidence of completion include:

  • For self-study programs: A certificate supplied by the CPE program sponsor after satisfactory completion of an examination;
  • For live programs: A certificate of attendance issued by the program sponsor;
  • For a university or college course: A record or transcript of the grade the participant received;
  • For a university or college non-credit course: A certificate of attendance issued by a representative of the university or college;
  • For published articles, books or CPE Programs:
    1. A copy of the publication that names the writer as author or contributor,
    2. A statement from the writer supporting the number of CPE hours claimed, and
    3. The name and contact information of the independent reviewer(s) or publisher.

One hour of credit will be awarded for the completion of 50 contact minutes of formalized study in a classroom environment, or its lesson equivalent in a home study course. Credit will not be given for programs of less than 50 minutes in length.

Credit can only be claimed for courses completed during the calendar year being reported unless a CPE Extension has been approved by the Board.

Teachers in any approved programs will receive two additional hours credit for study for each hour taught (totaling three hours for each hour taught) for the first time they teach a course, to a maximum of 60 hours credit per course per year. No credit will be given for subsequent teaching of the same course, unless the course has been substantially updated. If the same course is taught again in less than three years, the teacher must get prior approval from the Board of Accountancy.

Talks to lay organizations (Lions, Women's Clubs, etc.) do not qualify for CPE credit.

CPE sponsorship for the West Virginia Board of Accountancy will be evaluated by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).

The Board of Accountancy, or designee thereof, will monitor CPE compliance, evaluate activities, approve courses, make exemptions, etc.

The Board no longer reviews individual request for CPE credit. It is the responsibility of the CPA to verify the program's eligibility for CPE credit.

It is the responsibility of the CPA to:

  • Maintain documentation of attendance/course completion records for every CPE hour claimed and produce such documentation if requested by the CPE Compliance Division of the WV Board of Accountancy;
  • Advise the Board in writing of any change of mailing address; and
  • Maintain a copy of the confirmation letter and all reporting forms in a personal CPE file for a period of no less than four calendar years.
Page Updated: 12/24/2016 7:37:53 PM