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The Application Processing fee is $170 plus $40 for each part transferred to West Virginia. ($330 for all four parts)

  1. Respond to all questions in order to avoid delay in processing your application. Provide full disclosure for questions 1-11 on the Personal Questions page.

  2. Please have the following documents scanned and ready for upload as you progress through the application:
    1. DD-214 or other discharge form if you served in the military
    2. Any name change documents (see proper documentation at number 7 below)
    3. Passport style photo (see proper photo at number 8 below)
    4. Character References Form (download form for completion) download
  3. Please call the Board office to make sure the following documents have been received:
    1. Interstate Exchange of Examination and Licensure Information (see number 5 below)
    2. Transcripts from all schools attended (see number 4 below)

  4. All college transcripts must be sent directly from the college or university via e-mail for electronic transcripts (wvboa@wv.gov) or U.S. Postal Service at:
    West Virginia Board of Accountancy
    405 Capitol Street, Suite 908
    Charleston WV 25301-1744
    Your application cannot be considered until all college transcripts have been received.

  5. Download a copy of the Interstate Exchange of Examination and Licensure Information, complete the top section of the form and forward it to the state board that can verify your exam scores. The state board must send the completed form directly back to the Board office for incorporation into your application documents. Use Board address in number 2 above.
  6. Upload the following documentation supporting any name change:
    1. If name change is due to marriage, provide a copy of the Marriage Certificate.
    2. If name change is due to divorce, provide a copy of the first page of the Divorce Decree which indicates the Civil Action Number and the page pertaining to your name change. (We do not want the entire divorce decree.)
    3. If name change is due to court order, provide a copy of the supporting court document.

  7. Upload a passport-style photo taken within the past year, 2 x 2, head and shoulders with plain background. The Board will not accept photos with family members, graduation photos, photos taken at parties, sporting events, etc. or photos with Aunt Jane's dining room wallpaper pattern in the background.
  8. All education information within the application must be complete.

  9. Foreign transcripts must be accompanied by NASBA's International Exam Services (NIES) evaluation.

The Transfer of Examination Credit Toward Certification Application does not constitute an application for Certification or License. Upon passing the examination, meeting the 150-semester hour academic requirement and completion of the experience requirement, you must make separate application for certification and pay the appropriate application fees.

Please allow 30 days for processing and review.

While you are in the application process please do not use the back button in your browser. If at any time you wish to exit the application process, please either click the "Save for Later" or "Exit" button located at the bottom of the page.

Personal Information
Home Address
Business Address
Email Address

Please provide an email address that you would like to use as your primary source of communication with the Board. This will also be the email address that is used to login into other forms online.

Additional Information
Upload documentation of any name change due to marriage, divorce, or court order, i.e. copy of verifying document
Click here for recommendations on uploading files.

Page Updated: 1/18/2023 8:17:45 AM