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The Board of Accountancy requests that you use either Google Chrome or Internet Explorer as your browser when completing this form. Number and date fields do not populate properly with other browsers.

The fee for the Application for Reinstatement of License is based on your current licensure and CPE Status.

If you failed to meet CPE compliance during the immediate past CPE calendar year, you will be required to record the CPE hours secured and pay the associated late fees before your reinstatement of license can be processed.

Late Filing Fee

If you failed to renew timely for the current licensure period, the fees are as follows:

Renewal fee (to obtain a current license)$85.00
Reinstatement fee$85.00
Late Renewal Fee (for July)$50.00

If you were not eligible for renewal due to CPE noncompliance in a past calendar year, you will be required to log in your CPE hours and pay the associated late fees before your license reinstatement will be processed by the Board.

  • The online reinstatement application fee is based on when you reinstate your license.

  • Online reinstatement fee is $85.00
  • For those whose license has lapsed due to failure to renew by July 31, you must reinstate between August 1 and June 30 of the current fiscal renewal period, the fee is $85 renewal fee, $85 reinstatement fee and $50 late fee.

  • If you were not eligible to renew due to CPE non-compliance for the previous calendar year, you must first log in and record your CPE hours and pay any CPE late or extension fees associated with that process. You may use this link to report your CPE hours.

While you are in the application process please do not use the back button in your browser. If at any time you wish to exit the renewal process, please either click the "Save for Later" or "Exit" button located at the bottom of the page.


To enter the online reinstatement application, login below.

Page Updated: 1/18/2023 8:17:45 AM