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  • Courses and mini-courses sponsored by the AICPA or any state CPA or PA society, National Tax Institute, West Virginia Tax Institute, etc.;
  • University and college courses (other than Principles of Accounting) which contribute to the professional competence of a CPA;
  • Formal home study courses approved by AICPA, NASBA and state and local Societies of CPAs;
  • Firm in-house programs sponsored by accounting firm associations, other than "on-the-job" training;
  • Published books and articles, to a maximum of 60 hours credit per publication;
  • Technical sessions at meetings of professional organizations or other organizations of direct interest and application to the practice of public accountancy, such as the West Virginia Tax Institute; and
  • Courses approved by and registered with the NASBA National Registry or the NASBA West Virginia Roster. A listing of NASBA approved programming can be reviewed at: http://registry.nasbatools.com/dynamic/list_registry_sponsor?mode=ALL; 

Qualifying Programs do not include:

  • Providing services to clients;
  • Presentations to nonprofessional groups such as schools, civic, religious, or community organizations; and
  • Informal review of professional journals 
Page Updated: 12/24/2016 7:31:22 PM